Friday 11 April 2014


Recreation involves any sort of activity that is done for leisure, amusement or enjoyment. In Trinidad, people engage in various forms of recreational activities, a lot of which contribute to the country’s economy.

(1)    Photo a – Movietowne, Invaders Bay, Port of Spain. Photo – Digicel IMAX, Woodbrook, Port of Spain. Photo c – The Falls at Westmall, Western Main Road, West Moorings.

Photo 1a was able to show the large number of persons that visit Movietowne (mall and cineplex). The photo was taken at night so that all the lights and signs could be more visible. This enhances the appearance of the area and attracts persons to visit.
1b shows the IMAX cinema with two apartment complexes or condominiums in the background. Many residents of these areas do not have far to travel to get to this theatre. 1c shows the clean, spacious environment of the Falls mall.

Movietowne Port of Spain is one of three locations (other locations: Chaguanas and Tobago). It features a shopping complex including a grocery (PriceSmart), a wide variety of restaurants, a video arcade and children’s playroom, a membership casino and of course, a Cineplex with 10 screens showing the latest popular movies. What also makes Movietowne enjoyable is the open courtyard with benches and chairs so one can dine, drink or relax outdoor in the open air. 

The Falls at Westmall is also a huge shopping complex which includes many retail shops and restaurants. The mall also has a way of enhancing the ambiance and attracting visitors. It features a skylight throughout the entire top floor so that there is a feel as though one is in open air and not enclosed. It also features large fountains at different parts of the mall. All these shops, stores, restaurants etc. are part of the formal economy (as explained in an earlier post “FORMAL ECONOMY”).

Malls and shopping complexes are important as they create jobs and generate a high income. They include both private and public services. A wide range of products are offered and sold in order to meet consumer demand so more consumers are content knowing that most of their wants are being satisfied. Shopping complexes are significant sources of income for the economy.
This link explains the importance of shopping centres to economy: 

Digicel IMAX in Trinidad is the first IMAX theatre in the Caribbean. Because of this, scores of persons throughout the country journey to Port of Spain to be part of this experience. IMAX is globally known for its extraordinary entertainment experiences as it specializes in technologies that use digital re-mastering that can transform any conventional motion picture to superior, incomparable image and sound quality. This theatre has had initiatives to attract more persons to come and enjoy their facilities. One such example can be seen in the following news paper article: where Digicel IMAX premiered a film of the Telugu/Tamil language of India and also provided traditional Indian delicacies. This would have appealed to certain audiences who would have taken the time to visit the theatre.

(2) Photo a shows the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA), Port of Spain. Photo b shows Queen’s Hall, St. Anns, Port of Spain.

Another form of entertainment would be visiting NAPA or Queen’s Hall to view local performances. Recently, a South Academy for Performing Arts (SAPA) was constructed in San Fernando. Photo 2a was taken on a night when a performance was scheduled. I was able to capture the lights and the people visiting the NAPA. NAPA aims to develop the talent in the local performing arts with focus on the steel pan. The building contains teaching facilities and performance halls with spacious accommodations for seating and parking outside. Queen’s Hall’s purpose is similar to that of NAPA but its main focus is on theatrical performances and showcasing local talents. While promoting development of local and urban culture, they contribute to the economy significantly as well.

Other places of recreation that are dominant in Port of Spain include the Emperor Valley Zoo located (north of the Queen’s Park Savannah) and the Hasely Crawford Stadium (located off the Audrey Jeffers Highway). 

The zoo is a fairly large enclosure that contains sufficient flora and fauna to maintain a near-natural setting for the animals. It features both local and foreign animals of various species. The zoo has always attracted many visitors as it is the only one in Trinidad and hence, the country earns a lot of income. The Emperor Valley Zoo has recently had additions of lions, giraffes and tigers. The talk of the town though, is the arrival of the tigers, especially rare white Bengal tigers. 
The following news article shows what all the buzz is about in Trinidad: 

The national Hasely Crawford Stadium is a popular sporting facility and field which hosts a number of sporting matches and competitions, fetes, displays and other events. Trinidad also gains a lot of revenue from renting the stadium and facilities, as well for hosting national sports matches. 

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